Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Children-Olympic-games

This day, we were just thinking about Olympic games.We asked Chelsea what kind of games you play at the Olympics.After a few questions we decided to make "Children-Olympic-games".We didn't do real Olympic-games, but like Children games.Together we planned 21. games.(Which we never finished.)

This is Chelsea and Andris thinking.

 Andris and I are preparing for the Olympics, and practicing with hockey.

 This is our scoreboard, where we wrote after all the games who got gold, sliver, or bronze.At the end we were planning, to give gold, silver, and bronze stars to the winners.You can  lightly see the names.It's funny, because the stars were gold, silver and black.Black was instead of bronze.Now, you know that I told you that we wrote on the scoreboard who got gold, silver or bronze.But I didn't tell you that we only wrote G, S, or B.And now B is for bronze .And since the last star was black, B could also stand for bronze AND  BLACK.

This is the Paper where we wrote the stuff that we wanted to do.Under the picture there is a photo of us.One of the numbers on the paper was jump roping for time this game. (for time just means who can do it the longest.)
This number was the first number.It's name was the cutest animal.Meaning who has the cutest animal.Chelsea's won cause hers had his PJ's on and it looked cute.

At home we have Darts.not real Darts with the sharp things on them,but kind of like "Kids Darts".We had a game of that, and as you can see, Chelsea won again.
We have a game of "Make 'n' Break".Maybe you know it.You have Bricks that come with it.There are cards with Photos on them and you need to make the picture on the card using the bricks.You get a Stopwatch to it  and a dice as well.The dice has a one, two and a three on it.The Stopwatch has the same numbers on it.before you start building, you need to roll with the dice.If you maybe roll a two, then you need to put two on the  Stopwatch.Then you can press start on the Stopwatch, and start building with the bricks in the same second.

As you can see, there was everything : baking, dressing up, making up stories, and everything you can just think of!

Now I will tell you exactly what stuff we wanted to do.
1. Hoola Hoop-Cancelled.  Replacement-Cutest Animal Ever!!!
2.Sock'n'opoly (40 sec )
3.Jump-rope longest
5.Art-Contest (afternoon)
6.Animal roundup
7.? = still thinking about it 
9.Humming CONTEST
10.Jumping Jacks (1 min)
11.Candy balance
12.Frozen Mouth Contest
13.Baking Contest
14.Chess Battle
15.Tower Stack
Did not complete the next four.
16.Cho-Cho Challenge
17.The Best Story Maker
18.A most Silly Dressing Contest
19.Most silliest Story-animal
Completed these following two.
20.black peter Challenge
21. Face Painting!

That was it.Unfortunately I couldn't put a picture to all of the Events.First because we didn't have time.And  
                                                second we didn't do all the Events either.
                                                             See you next time! Bye


  1. I get the gold star. haha.
    Love Chelsea

    1. In your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Bye bye baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
